Adopting a Pet Online

Adopt a Pet Online

In today’s virtual world, you can access almost anything you want online — from clothes to groceries to cars — even pets. Though many people use online adoption resources in their search for a new family member, it’s still only one step in the adoption process. Here’s what to expect along the way when using a website to find your new best bud.

Where to Begin

Pet adoption websites serve as a viable alternative to traditional shelters. A few of the leading pet adoption websites include: Petfinder, Adopt A Pet, the ASPCA, and Rescue Me. Try to stick to sites that provide photos and information of the specific pets available, have a sensible return policy, and make it easy to meet the pup you have your eye on before making a commitment. You can also visit the sites of local rescues in our area. The rescue organizations below work with the CAF and offer pets for adoption:

Adopt a Pet OnlineWe also partner with several organizations in the area that offer adoptable pets:

What to Look For

Each adoption site has basic search functionality based on location, species, and breed. Most have a more expanded search that allows you to dive deep into behavior, health, lifestyle, compatibility with other animals, children, and more. This is particularly helpful if you’re seeking a specific type of pet.

“We knew we wanted to give a nice retirement to a senior dog; we loved beagles and we already had three cats in our family,” says Heather Ronayne of Warren, New Jersey. Searching online helped Ronayne and her family narrow their options, leading to their dog, Hugo. “[It’s] made our dream of helping a dog like Hugo possible and has made all the difference in Hugo’s world.”

Most of the sites offer their own unique features aimed at making pet adoption and ownership easier and more rewarding. For instance:

  • Some sites, such as, provide extensive pet care information and articles.
  • has an “alert” function, which lets you sign up to get an email when a pet matching your preferences becomes available in your area.
  • Other sites allow you to create favorites in order to make searching and saving easier.

Regardless of which site or combination of sites you use, the online search is just the first step on the road to adoption. You will need to prepare for the rest of the journey until your new pet is happily by your side.

Adopt a Pet OnlineBe Flexible

Each rescue and shelter does things a bit differently, so be prepared to work through the logistics with each organization. Sometimes the pet you like is at a shelter, and sometimes the pet is in a foster home. You’ll need to be flexible about when and where you can meet the pet, depending on where he’s located.

Don’t Limit Yourself

Would-be adopters visiting a shelter are often drawn to pets they never thought they’d consider. But when using online sites, it’s easy to limit your search to a certain breed, age, or sex. This may help narrow your search but may also keep you from finding the perfect pet! Don’t be afraid to expand your search to include other options.

“Breed-specific traits are not as important as personality,” says Nicole Peterson, a professional dog trainer in Orange County, California, who uses online adoption sites frequently to find dogs for her clients.

Be a Detective

Depending on the site, you may have a lot of information about the pet or just a little, in which case you’ll have to search for the info you need yourself.

  • The adoption site will typically refer you to the shelter or rescue for more information.
  • Then you’ll need to contact the shelter or rescue or visit its website to learn more about the pet.
  • Have a list of questions ready to ask.
  • When possible, talk to a staff member who works directly with the pet you’re interested in or ask to speak with a member of the foster family.

Be prepared to put your bloodhound skills to work.

Pay Attention to Descriptions

It’s in the adopting organization’s best interest to find perfect matches for the pets in its care. Reading descriptions and taking them to heart will save you time and potential heartache.

No matter how much your kids have fallen in love with the picture of a dog if the description says the pup isn’t good with children, believe it. “Definitely don’t discount what you are reading,” says Mara Stefan, a Boston-based pet lover who adopted her two dogs using “If they are offering you information, you should take it.”

Adopt a Pet OnlineBe Patient

You may not be able to find your new family member in one weekend. Sometimes you do, and that’s great! But other times — particularly if you are looking for a specific breed, age or sex — you may need to practice patience.

Each organization’s process is different. When you reach out to a shelter or rescue, you may have to wait for a response. Many organizations are busy or have a lot of people interested in adopting pets. Also, be prepared to fill out a lot of forms. And although the organizations update as frequently as they can, listings can become quickly outdated.

If the shelter has limited operating hours or the pet is in foster care, you’ll also probably have to wait before you can meet the pet.

Use All the Online Tools Available to You

Remember, adoption websites aren’t the only places to find adoptable pets. These tools may introduce you to a rescue or shelter you like, and you may ultimately find a pet via your favorite rescue or shelter’s social media channels. Also, spread the word to your own social media networks, and let people know you’re looking to add to your furry or feathered family. You never know when the perfect pet will become available.

Although the pet adoption process may have some ups and downs, in the end, you’ll have a wonderful new family member in return for your effort.